You're used to relying on your brain. Whatever else happens, your personal lump of gray matter will take in the world, and respond to it in a fluid and predictable way. But actually, whatever your brain does is made up of many successive mental steps — and if just one of those steps fails, you'll find yourself behaving very differently.
Here are 10 weird and highly specific brain conditions, and what they each show us about the human brain.
10. Astasia-Abasia Patients Are Always On the Verge of Falling
9. Anosognia Patients Are Unable to Recognize Their Own Injuries
8. Broca's Aphasia Patients Are Able to Do Everything But Speak
7. Palinopsia Patients Literally Cannot Unsee Things
6. Dysmimia or Amimia Patients Don't Know if You Give Them the Finger
5. Verbal Dysdecorum Patients Can't Censor Themselves
4. Dysantigraphia Patients Can't Possibly Copy Their Neighbor's Paper
3. Amelodia Patients Can Never Name That Tune
2. Anhedonia Patients Can't Take Pleasure in Anything
1. Jargonaphasia Patients Are Makeshift Gertrude Steins
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